Chief Executive update – 29.03.21

Posted on the 29th March 2021

It is now over a year since the first Covid lockdown. During that time, Keniston has continued to provide as full a service as possible to our residents, while following public health guidelines. As we move along the government’s roadmap to easing lockdown restrictions, Keniston will expand the services we can offer.

We are pleased to announce that we can now accept requests for ALL responsive repairs. Please report repairs to us in the normal way, by phoning us on 01689 889700, by email to, text REPAIR to 07376 617616 or via our website. Our contractors will be able to book appointments for routine non-urgent repairs, from 12th April onwards.

We are making arrangements for our planned maintenance programme for the 2021-22 year and will be contacting all those due for works during the year, in due course. These works will include those projects that were held over from 2020-21 due to Covid.

We aim to re-start Management Team Walkabouts to our estates soon and will provide an update with details shortly.

Keniston staff continue to mainly work from home, in line with government guidance, while continuing to provide a full landlord service. We are not yet able to receive visitors to our office but will update you when this changes. 

We will continue to communicate with you mostly by phone, text, email, via social media and our website. Please ensure we have your current phone numbers and email address so you don’t miss our updates. 

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