Macmillan fundraising

Posted on the 18th November 2019

Each year staff and residents take part in charity fundraising events including the Macmillan coffee morning. This year, residents at Perryfield House with the support of Romy, the Sheltered Scheme Manager, managed to raise a whopping £336.00!

The event was organised by the ladies that run a ‘Knit and natter’ craft group on a Monday. Flyers were printed well in advance and put up around the local area. They had neighbours and people that live locally popping in, which was really appreciated.

The ladies from the craft group made lots of lovely things like aprons, teddies, cushions and jewellery which was all for sale to help raise funds. They also held a raffle which was really successful, as some of the residents who couldn’t attend bought some raffle tickets to support it. Everyone donated something towards the raffle like Wine, chocolates and even a little food hamper. Romy said “There was so much cake it was lovely!” The ladies were very proud of themselves and aim to do it even bigger next year!

While the Perryfield residents were busy with their coffee morning, Keniston office staff were hosting their own event and raised another £130.00. Thank you to everyone who supported the cause, well done!

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